Tuesday, December 9, 2008

When Will The Senate-Mobile Roll Out Of Detroit?

If it weren't so serious, watching a few senators who don't have enough sense to run a shoe-shine stand tell auto executives how to make cars and trucks would be downright funny.

In my lifetime, The almighty US Congress has dabbled in a lot of things that they had no business dabbling in. Of those, I would say it's a clean sweep the number that they managed to make worse.

Take education, which should be the purview of local and state bodies. The Washington solution is always to protect teachers unions, and throw more money at the problem. Ask any common sense individual, and they'll tell you the solution to our education problem is real discipline in the classroom, real world teaching methods that don't involve student esteem concerns, and getting rid of tenure protected teachers who can't or won't do their jobs.

Health Care is another D.C. success story. Between lawyers running around exploiting every loophole to sue doctors and medical facilities, and insurance regulations so convoluted that competition has died, it's a mess only politicians could have created. Obama's solution will be to nationalize and socialize medicine. The confusion won't lessen, but the quality and extent of services you can hope for will.

The Congress has also "fixed" welfare a number of times, with every repair involving a lessening of benefits, esoteric book-keeping methods, and a denial of the fact the the system is not self sustaining, and must somehow be ended.

They also solved Major League Baseball's steroid problem, only a few years after they liberated Afghanistan from Russia, and created Osama Bin Ladin in the process.

In short, our glorious representatives, for the most part, are a bunch of pompous have-done-nothings with no real hope of ever doing anything meaningful.

It is this august body who will now, with a wave of their checkbook, "fix" Detroit.

Will they use the model of Toyota, who is operating factories on our soil quite profitably?

No, they'll go back to Plan A. They'll protect the UAW, throw money at businesses that don't make profits, and demand Detroit become "Green". By the way, "Green" is a code word that means "Al Gore would approve".

They will create a few agencies, a new "Car Czar", and enough regulations and bureaucrats to insure that every Obama campaign worker will have a government job for life.

In short, they'll do the only thing they really know how to do.

How does that old saying go? If the only tool you know how to use is a hammer, the whole world looks like a nail.

In Washington's case, the whole world seems in need of regulating.


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