Thursday, February 26, 2009

Advocate Goes Part Time

An open letter to Advocate readers

Feb. 26, 2009

Dear Readers:

This is not the letter I hoped to be posting four months after starting the Advocate, but if an online news service is going to yell 'transparency' at every turn, it had better be willing to play by it's own rules.

Put plainly, as a business venture, the Advocate is failing.

Our business model has four indexes to track growth and predict success of the venture: Readership, community involvement, classified use and, of course, paid advertising. I am sad to report that we are faltering badly on three of those.

While readership numbers have climbed steadily since it's inception, now topping 3000 total page hits, and over 300 readers a week, the sparse use of the 'Classifieds' section, and almost no interest in paid advertising has failed to instill lender confidence, thus denying us access to funding needed to expand the staff, or to go to print with a weekly paper.

These are failures that I blame on my own lack of salesmanship and failure to factor in funding for advertising, believing that word-of-mouth and easy internet linking would be sufficient to get the word out.

Community involvement has to be graded as mediocre. Institutions such as the local colleges, government offices and law enforcement, realizing that every information outlet has value, have been willing contributors.

But surprisingly, organizations like ISD boards, economic development agencies and even chambers of commerce have been less than cooperative, many failing even to return messages or respond to letters of introduction.

In short, the shoe-string budget we were operating on is gone, and the need to pay personal bills now has to override both desire to publish and belief in the need for a service like this for Upshur County.

The site will stay open, but article postings won't be daily events.

In closing, I would like to thank everyone who is providing information and news releases, and the readers who return daily looking for timely and topical news of interest to Upshur County and the surrounding area.


DeWayne Spell


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Balloon Payments?

"Please bear in mind that the Federal Reserve is only one arrow in the quiver that can be deployed to restore the nation's economic vitality. The power to stimulate activity through taxing and spending the American people's money lies with the Congress of the United States.

"All eyes have been on the stimulus package recently passed by the House and Senate and signed by President Obama. This was no easy task, and it was accomplished with unusual alacrity. Only time will tell if the stimulus will give our economic engine an activating short-term jolt without encumbering or disincentivizing the entrepreneurial dynamic that has made for the long-term economic miracle that is America.

"Next, our political leaders must agree to the funding, if any, of the Treasury's proposals for the resolution of the banking crisis so as to make the system more stable and viable—a resolution, as Thomas Friedman reminds us in Sunday's New York Times, that needs to be done in a manner that encourages winners rather than 'bailing out losers.'

"And, on top of all that, they must begin, now, to dig us out of the very deep hole they themselves have dug in incurring unfunded liabilities of retirement and health care obligations—programs that are already on the books but have not yet been paid for—that Pete Peterson's foundation calculates at $56 trillion and we at the Dallas Fed believe total over $99 trillion.

"If you do the numbers, you will find that some 85 percent of those unfunded liabilities is due to Medicare; a budgetary Heimlich maneuver is urgently needed to keep Medicare from choking off our economic prosperity." -- Richard W. Fisher, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Feb. 23, 2009

Italics ours.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Texas Sovereignty Resolution

Empower Texan's writer comments on state representatives telling Washington what should be obvious

Empower Texan's Website

Texas has become the latest state to introduce a resolution regarding the 10th amendment to the U.S. Constitution. House Concurrent Resolution 50 simply recognizes that the individual states can claim sovereignty on all matters that are not specifically granted to the federal government. It is not a "secessionist" resolution, as has been falsely reported elsewhere.

It is a shame that it took the stimulus package for something like this to be introduced, but there have been moments when our legislature stood up for Texas in recent years. In 2007, the state House and Senate both passed legislation that would've investigated whether or not Texas law was being negatively affected by international entities and arrangements including NAFTA and the United Nations. That bill was vetoed by Rick Perry. The sovereignty resolution acknowledges that "a number of proposals from previous administrations and some now pending from the present administration and from congress may further violate the Constitution."

HCR 50 includes a strongly worded message to the federal government:

RESOLVED, That this serve as notice and demand to the federal government, as our agent, to cease and desist, effective immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That all compulsory federal legislation that directs states to comply under threat of civil or criminal penalties or sanctions or that requires states to pass legislation or lose federal funding be prohibited or repealed;

The resolution was authored by Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe), Leo Berman (R-Tyler) and Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola). A similar resolution (HJR 1003) was recently passed in the Oklahoma State House of Representatives.

Reprinted by permission.

Empower Texan's Article
Empower Texan's Website


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Healthcare Benefits for Community College Faculty & Staff Should be a Priority for 81st Legislature

President of Brazosport College says Texas is shirking it's duty by failing to fund community college employee health care insurance

Dr. Millicent Valek

Every year more than one million students pass through the doors of Texas community colleges in search of their dreams. Some students embark on a journey toward earning a bachelors degree, while others seek to acquire the workforce skills needed to help grow the state’s economy. As the fastest growing sector of higher education the future of Texas relies greatly on the success of community colleges.

Today, in the midst of nationwide economic troubles, the role of community colleges has never been more significant. According to State Comptroller Susan Combs an increase of 10,000 students in community college enrollments would add 13,000 jobs to the Texas economy within one year. Our institutions are well positioned to provide solutions for the workforce and economic growth needs of the state.

Texas community colleges have been doing their part to bring these educational opportunities to Texans. Over the past seven years, community college enrollments have risen by more than 31%, adding nearly 140,000 new students (the equivalent of nearly three Universities of Texas at Austin or five Texas Tech Universities). Despite this enormous growth in our enrollments, community colleges have worked hard to keep student costs low. Over the past ten years community college students have seen on average only a 2.6% annual increase in tuition & fees statewide.

Community Colleges have operated with the understanding that a partnership exists between local colleges and the state. Under this compact, the state promised local communities it would fund the instructional costs for community colleges if local residents would tax themselves to build and maintain necessary the physical facilities. In this partnership, the state historically funded community college employee health care insurance based on an employee’s job function – teaching and serving our students. With this partnership the state’s 50 community college districts have flourished.

However, the state’s historical commitment to this agreement has been shrinking. Over the years – good economic times and bad – the community college state formula has continued to be largely underfunded. Because of this, community colleges have been forced to use student tuition and local tax dollars to fill the growing state funding gap. Some contend that now the state should only pay part of the health insurance costs of our faulty and staff.

The argument for the state paying only a proportional share is based on the notion of linking employee health insurance funding to the level state formula funding. By tying the funding of these critical employee insurance benefits to the amount of state formula funding our colleges will be penalized for shouldering costs, which are the state’s responsibility. This will result in an even greater financial burden being placed on students and local communities.

The historical partnership between the state and community colleges needs to be renewed. An essential step toward accomplishing this is for the 81st Legislature to honor its commitment to community college employees by passing Senate Bill 41 by Senator Judith Zaffirini. With passage of this bill, community colleges will be better equipped to hire and retain talented faculty and staff members who are essential components in providing quality educational opportunities for all students.

Community colleges remain committed to their missions of providing excellent educational opportunities for students and as a place where any Texan reach for their dreams. But they need support. The state must continue its commitment of paying group health care insurance for community college faculty & staff. Senate Bill 41 would ensure that our colleges can rely on the state to remain our partners in providing solutions for the economic and workforce needs of Texas.

Dr. Valek is the Chair of the Texas Association of Community Colleges and President of Brazosport College


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Open Schools

A 'thumbs up' for transparency in school district spending

By:Michael Sullivan

How does your school district spend your money? Betcha you can't find out... That's why taxpayers should be contacting their lawmakers in support of legislation filed State Rep. Mark Strama (D-Austin), H.B. 1314, and State Rep. Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe), H.B. 1307. Of the two, Creighton's HB 1307 is more comprehensive. Both would shine much-needed sunlight on Texas' public education spending.

Strama was the lead author on last Session's HB 3430 to provide extensive statewide fiscal transparency. Strama's bill would simply require school districts to post their financial statements quarterly.

Creighton, one of our Taxpayer Champions from the last Session, would go much further and do a lot more for the cause of transparency. His legislation would require districts to post their expenditures -- checks written and credit card transactions -- within one month.

Taxpayers should demand both. We get handed the bill, it's time for us to be allowed to examine the receipt.

Reprinted by permission from the Empower Texans website.

Michael Quinn Sullivan is President & CEO of Empower Texans, a 501c4 non-profit organization promoting free markets in an effort to empower Texans. Empower Texans' premier project is Texans for Fiscal Responsibility. The organization also manages the Empower Texans PAC, which is directly engaged in the electoral process in Texas.


Attack On Free Speech Exposed

Where the new Hate Crime legislation is going

I've been meaning to research and write a piece on the blatant left-wing attack on Christianity and free speech that is underway, but a woman named Janet Porter beat me to it, and did a better job than I could have.

In a piece called Here's 'change': End of free speech, Ms. Porter raises the red flag of indignation as a warning to the punishments we might all soon face for having an opinion.

An excerpt:

Two bills are already in the House Judiciary Committee: H.R.256 and H.R.262. We've been lead to believe it's about crime, but there are already laws against crime. This thing is about speech. Don't believe me? Rep. (and former judge) Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, pointed out in the House Judiciary Committee the bill "is going to put pastors in prison." Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code, Section 2 (a) reads:

(a) Whoever commits an offense against the United States or aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures its commission, is punishable as a principal. – 18 USC Sec. 2

That means if you "counsel someone," or write a book, or read from the Bible (such as what Obama says is an "obscure" passage in the first chapter of Romans), you could be found guilty of "inducing" someone to commit a crime.

The Homosexual Triangle Foundation's executive director, Jeff Montgomery, told the Saginaw News back in April 2005: "Vocal anti-gay activists should be held accountable as accessories to these crimes because, many times, it is their rhetoric that led the perpetrators to believe their crimes are OK."
There it is. If your beliefs don't echo the left's, they are rhetoric, leading perpetrators to commit crimes.

I regret I don't have reprint permission from Ms. Porter, but you can read the whole article at


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Wasteful Spending Dressed in "Stimulus" Clothing

Senator John Cornyn on the recently passed stimulus bill

Texas Times
Feb 10, 2009
By:Sen. John Cornyn

For months, Americans across the country have been grappling with the results of our nation's economic downturn: layoffs, foreclosures, salary cuts, and the tough family budgeting decisions that go hand in hand with a recession. While Texas has fared better than most states—largely due to our pro-business economic policies and the can-do spirit inherent to the Texas culture —we are not immune.

According to Texas Workforce Commission Chairman Tom Paulken, "Our state's economy has been fairly resilient during these months of economic uncertainty, but the national economic storm has reached Texas." In January, Texas Comptroller Susan Combs predicted a loss of 111,000 Texas jobs and announced a 10.5 percent drop in tax revenue in this fiscal year. In North Texas, the jobless rate has climbed to 5.6 percent—a significant ascent from one year ago, when the rate was 4.1 percent. The jobless rate for the entire state recently hit 6 percent—nearly two percentage points higher than a year ago.

The housing crunch has taken its toll in Texas as well. In 2008, Texas was listed as one of the top ten states in foreclosure totals. Meritage, one of the nation's biggest homebuilders with more than 65 percent of its communities located in Texas, reported that its fourth-quarter orders in Texas fell 61 percent. Experts claim that a decrease in prices in some of Texas' top industries like oil and natural gas is having a negative impact on the state's housing market.

In the U.S. Senate, I have been working with my colleagues to stop the recession in its tracks and turn the economic tide back in our favor. This has been no easy task. Unfortunately, while the new President has indicated his desire for bipartisanship, Democrat leaders in Congress have taken a different approach, attempting to jam an enormous spending bill totaling more than $1 trillion down the taxpayers’ throats.

Instead of producing a plan aimed at reviving the housing market, providing significant tax relief to hard-working Americans, and creating quality jobs for men and women looking for work—the Democrat plan instead reflects a political slush fund brimming with billion-dollar pet projects that will not have an immediate, tangible effect on our nation's economic health.

With respect to Texas' interests in the economic rescue plan, the most simple analogy that comes to mind is 'robbing Peter to pay Paul.' In Texas, we have embraced low taxes and pro-growth policies that support our small businesses and middle class families. The Democrats' plan would take billions in Texas taxpayer dollars and reward reckless states with pet projects dressed in 'stimulus' clothing. Some of the more absurd examples include a request for $600 million to build an "ethnic heritage trail" or a request for $6 million to build three aquatic centers with water slides.

My Republican colleagues and I have sought to improve this inflated bill by offering low-tax, pro-growth amendments. I offered an amendment that would have lowered the 10 percent tax bracket to 5 percent, providing much needed relief to every taxpayer who pays income tax and files their taxes by April 15. Unfortunately, this was blocked by Senate Democrats. Another important amendment, offered by Sen. John Ensign, would have provided much-needed relief to the struggling housing market by reducing mortgage rates to as low as 4 percent for millions of homeowners. More than 3 million mortgages in Texas could have qualified for refinancing under this measure, and each household would have benefited from $293 in savings on monthly payments. This amendment was also defeated.

Sadly, while the American people were counting on Congress to present a final economic rescue product that reflects bipartisanship and includes true tax relief and tangible economic growth measures, the Democrats' $1.2 trillion "stimulus" package is no such product.

We need to work together to craft legislation that provides real relief for everyday Texans. It should begin with providing much overdo relief to the struggling housing market. Secondly, the majority of any economic stimulus plan should be tangible tax relief for families and small businesses. Hard-working Texans deserve to keep more of their own money to spend, save and invest how they see fit. Finally, any proposed new spending must be made fully transparent to ensure Congress is not spending taxpayer dollars on unnecessary or ineffective projects.

If American families are having to tighten their belts and make tough financial decisions, the federal government should follow suit. I will continue to fight for a common-sense plan that incorporates these principles to help Texans weather the economic storm and emerge stronger and more prosperous.

Sen. Cornyn serves on the Finance, Judiciary and Budget Committees. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee's Immigration, Refugees and Border Security subcommittee. He served previously as Texas Attorney General, Texas Supreme Court Justice, and Bexar County District Judge.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Honoring Our Nation’s Presidents

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison on President's Day

Capitol Comment
Feb. 13, 2009
By: Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

Throughout Texas this coming Monday, children will enjoy a day off from school. Although the federal government honors “Washington’s Birthday” each year on the third Monday of February, Texas goes one step further by concurrently observing “Presidents’ Day,” a state holiday that celebrates all of our past Presidents.

Our forty-four presidents have included men who have been a carpenter (James Garfield), a cloth maker (Millard Fillmore), a star athlete (Gerald Ford), a launderer (Herbert Hoover), a mail room clerk (Harry Truman), a shoeshine boy (Lyndon Johnson), an insurance salesman (Warren Harding), a toymaker (Calvin Coolidge), an actor (Ronald Reagan) and a school principal (Chester Arthur). Ten presidents were farmers before reaching the White House; seven were diplomats; and twenty-six were lawyers. Their diverse perspectives strengthened the quality of our nation’s leadership and inspired foreign nations to embrace democracy.

In the nineteenth century, half a dozen presidents were born in log cabins, including one whose bicentennial we celebrate this week. Abraham Lincoln – the eloquent small town lawyer who helped set our nation on the path toward the “more perfect union” that our Founding Fathers envisioned – continues to inspire our leaders today. Former President George W. Bush chose to hang Lincoln’s portrait in the Oval Office and drew inspiration from Lincoln’s fortitude in perilous times. President Barack Obama paid tribute to his home state predecessor by retracing Lincoln’s path to the White House on a train ride from Philadelphia to Washington before his inauguration last month.

The democracy and entrepreneurial spirit at the core of our American identity have propelled our nation from a relatively small federation with fewer than four million citizens to the world’s economic and political superpower. As Americans, we can take great pride in the many individual contributions of ordinary citizens, but it is also fitting that we pay tribute to those national leaders who courageously established our freedoms during the earliest years of our nation.

George Washington, the commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, was the first of twelve generals who went on to serve as president. After refusing a royal title, he became our country’s only leader to be re-elected unanimously. As our Chief Executive, he established customs regarding interaction with Cabinet members, the negotiation of treaties, and the use of the presidential veto on legislation from Congress. He appointed our first federal judges, helped implement the American currency and banking system, and chose the location of our nation’s capital.

Our next two presidents, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, worked together to draft the Declaration of Independence. In the White House, President Adams used his considerable diplomatic skills to avert further strife with European powers. President Jefferson enlarged our nation through the Louisiana Purchase and encouraged Lewis and Clark’s explorations of the West. Mr. Jefferson also was the first president not to powder his hair and to establish casual handshakes instead of deep bows as the preferred mode of greeting in the White House. Coincidentally, these two great men, lifelong friends and political rivals, passed away 500 miles apart on the very same day, July 4th, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

During later eras in American history, Texas contributed four outstanding presidents. General Dwight Eisenhower, who was born in Denison, ended the Korean War and built our current highway system. Lyndon Johnson, from Stonewall, championed civil rights legislation and education reform. George H. W. Bush represented the seventh district of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives before entering the White House, where he led a successful effort to liberate Kuwait from the clutches of a tyrannical dictator. And George W. Bush brought his strong leadership from Texas’ state capital to the White House, where he protected our country after the attacks by terrorists on September 11, 2001.

Today, as our military forces fight abroad in defense of our freedom, we more fully appreciate the heroism of several of the best of our wartime presidents. I especially admire President Ronald Reagan for his steadfastness toward the end of the Cold War. His careful diplomacy with our country’s allies, combined with his firm hand with Communist leaders, helped topple oppressive dictatorships throughout Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. Today, many of these nations benefit from constitutions that were inspired by our own. Our Founding Fathers’ vision continues to resonate and provide hope. Let us take this opportunity to honor our presidents for their fortitude in upholding our freedoms for over 200 years.

Kay Bailey Hutchison is the senior U.S. Senator from Texas.


Thursday, February 12, 2009

What Would Lincoln Do?

On the 200th anniversary of the birth of one of our most iconic Presidents, it's a fair question

If Honest Abe was in the Oval Office today, how would he respond to our current difficulties and social conflicts? For students of Lincoln, that question leads to some interesting conclusions, and forces some honest evaluations of the man hailed as the Great Emancipator.

Because of his 1862 Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln is revered as the father of the Civil Rights movement, the original American standard bearer of human equality, and the lion who ended slavery. A rock-ribbed man of principal who defied popular opinion and political pressure to do the right thing.

But was he?

History can be clouded by convenience, and our desire to summarize and condense the events of the past often lead to misconceptions of the motives of the figures who shaped that past, and trivializes the circumstances they found themselves in.

To unravel the man behind the legend, and perhaps answer the question of how he would govern today, it is instructive to first look at the things Lincoln was not.

He was not an abolitionist. In fact, he held prejudices that would be scorned today, and would earn him the title of racist. In an 1862 letter responding to an editorial by the full throated abolitionist Horace Greely, Lincoln wrote

"I would save the Union....If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be those who would not save the Union unless they could at the same time destroy slavery, I do not agree with them. My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union."
Lincoln didn't consider the institution of slavery itself to be his problem. Instead, he viewed it's possible expansion as a threat to northern jobs held by white men, and as the catalyst to the one issue he wouldn't concede, that of secession.

Lincoln always held that he believed in the tenet that all men were created equal, but always softened that stand by excusing slavery in some areas. In today's political jargon, we call that triangulation. In Lincoln's day, they called it fence-sitting.

Lincoln was not a believer in the concept of a small, non-intrusive federal government. Neither was he a proponent of free trade. He was admittedly a protectionist, and a blatant one. Early in his career as an Illinois legislator, Lincoln wrote
"My politics are short and sweet, like the old woman's dance. I am in favor of a national bank ... in favor of the internal improvements system and a high protective tariff."
His trade policies still today incite debate on whether they succeeded by forcing the growth of the American manufacturing base, or failed by isolating and retarding business access to wider export markets.

It can not be said that Lincoln was fiscally conservative, and he was rarely accused of protecting his tax-paying constituents in Illinois.

Shortly after his entrance into the Illinois statehouse, he led a successful effort to appropriate $12 million from taxpayers (a monstrous sum in those days) to subsidize railroad and canal-building corporations as part of his 'internal improvements' vision. The companies turned out to be disastrous investments that nearly bankrupted the state. The $12 million was squandered with almost no projects completed. Much of the money was stolen, and the taxpayers of Illinois were left to foot the bill.

But while taxpayers were left with little to show for their money, one of the corporations they created became the Illinois Central, which would later employ Lincoln for more than a decade as one its top lawyers and lobbyist. Lincoln would serve in that capacity up until his election.

His support of the railroads sat well with the movers and shakers of the Republican party of his day. The political power brokers that backed Lincoln for election included railroad barons, manufacturing magnates and Yankee bankers. As a group, they backed not only a transcontinental railroad, but the creation of a central banking system as well. In 1860, they hand-picked Lincoln to carry the water on those goals.

Senator John Sherman of Ohio, chairman of the U.S Senate Finance Committee during the Lincoln administration, said of Lincoln's nomination and election
"Those who elected Mr. Lincoln expect him to secure to free labor its just right to the Territories of the United States; to protect ... by wise revenue laws, the labor of our people; to secure the public lands to actual settlers; to develop the internal resources of the country by opening new means of communication between the Atlantic and Pacific."
By 'free' labor, of course, Sherman meant white labor. And 'wise revenue' laws was 1860's code for high trade tariffs. And while Lincoln would gain revered status as a proponent of the equality of slaves, he was no friend to the Indian tribes. When Sherman said Lincoln was expected to secure the land to 'actual settlers', he meant using the army to drive Native Americans off of it.

Despite popular folklore, Lincoln wasn't a simple country lawyer, nor was he a backwoods bumpkin. In his book Lincoln and the Railroads, noted historian John W. Starr, Jr. tells of a scheme Lincoln participated in to inflate legal fees that the Illinois Central paid him.

After Lincoln had successfully defended the company against McLean County, Illinois, which wanted to tax the corporation, he submitted an incredibly high bill of $5,000 to George B. McClellan, the vice president of the Illinois Central. The ruse used by Lincoln and McClellan to trick the company's board of directors to go along with the fee went like this:

McClellan formally refused to pay the large fee, making the board happy. Lincoln then sued the company for the fee. When Lincoln went to court over the fee, no lawyers for the company showed up, and Lincoln won by default. As proof of the deception, Starr points out that Lincoln continued to handle the company's legal work after the suit had been decided, just the same as he always had.

Lincoln was not a strict Constitutionalist, at least not in the light of secession. As noted correctly by Thomas J. DiLorenzo, author of The Real Lincoln, Lincoln did not inherit a 'perpetual union'.
The union of the founding fathers was a voluntary compact of the states. The states delegated certain powers to the central government as their agent, but retained sovereignty for themselves. Secession was considered a legitimate option by political and opinion leaders from all sections of the country in 1860.
Lincoln himself said much the same thing in 1848:
"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better."
But in the popular drumbeat leading up to the war, Lincoln appears to have forgotten his earlier beliefs, asserting time and again that he was "saving the union".

Lincoln was not a dreamer or an idealist. He was pragmatist who would have been satisfied with limiting the practice of slavery to the Southern states. He married into a slave-owning family, and up until secession, his opposition to slavery had been only to restrict it's spread into the Northern and Western states.

He maintained that the Constitution did not give the federal government the power to abolish slavery in those states where it already existed. In his 1860 inaugural address, he said:
"I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so."
His position mirrored that of the Republican Party's moderate wing, leaving Greely and the 'Radical Republicans' to call for outright abolition.

Despite his accommodating position to Slave Power states, his election became the flash point for their secession the very next year. And here is where popular history again fails to explore the circumstances.

Lincoln had just promised to leave slavery in the southern states undisturbed. He was even backing an amendment that would guarantee the legality of the practice in those states forever. Why then, would the south chose to secede?

The answer is tariffs. Where Lincoln was willing to concede the issue of slavery, he was unbending on raising and collecting taxes. The Republicans, to support their railroad ambitions, were about to increase tariff rates from 15 percent to over 47 percent.

In other less noted, but highly inflammatory comments during his address, Lincoln ominously stated that it was his obligation as president to
"collect the duties and imposts,"
saying beyond that
"there will be no invasion of any state."
The clear message to the south was if they did not collect the higher tariffs, which would almost surely bankrupt the agricultural base there, then the government would invade under force of arms.

It was a shot across the bows of South Carolina, who had nullified the 1828 "Tariff of Abominations", and had faced the federal government down over the issue. Lincoln might have been picking a fight, but it was not over emancipation. And while the issue of slavery dominated contemporary editorial pages and tea party conversation, what sparked secession and started the Civil War was taxation.

Even the Emancipation Proclamation, issued in 1862, looks less noble when one remembers two points.

First, the proclamation was a coercive military measure designed to deprive the Confederacy of slave labor and bring additional men into the Union Army. It was not a sweeping end to slavery.

It did not free any slaves in the Union border states (Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, Delaware, and West Virginia), nor did it free slaves in any southern state (or part of a state) already under Union control.

In fact, it would not have freed any slaves at all had the southern states returned to Union control by the 1863 deadline. It was intended by Lincoln solely to bring the Confederate States back into the Union and had the Confederates folded their tents and paid their taxes, slavery would still have been tolerated.

Second, it wasn't Lincoln's plan to simply turn freed slaves loose to wander the country in search of opportunity.

Since the 1840's, Lincoln had been an advocate of Colonization, a plan to ship freed slaves off to live in colonies in Liberia, in much the same way Native Americans would soon be relegated to reservations.

As early as 1854, in a speech in Peoria, Illinois, Lincoln advocated the policy, but acknowledged the logistical difficulties in bringing it about:
"My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia, to their own native land. But a moment’s reflection would convince me that whatever of high hope there may be in this, in the long run, its sudden execution is impossible."
Lincoln continued to support colonization through most of his presidency, going so far as to appoint James Mitchell in 1861 as his Commissioner of Emigration to oversee colonization projects. Between 1861 and 1862, Lincoln actively negotiated contracts with businessmen to colonize freed blacks to Panama and to a small island off the coast of Haiti.

The Haiti plan was scrapped in 1863 after fraud by the agents responsible for the plan forced Lincoln to send ships to retrieve the colonists, and the much larger Panamanian plan collapsed in 1863 after the government of Colombia backed out of the deal.

Finally, rounding out the list of things Lincoln was not, he was not a civil rights activist, and was not above ignoring civil liberties when it suited his purposes. Besides his plan to forcibly relocate freed slaves, there are the minor scrapes he had with the Supreme Court and the Fourth Estate to consider.

In 1862, just as the war was starting in earnest, a group of Democrats, known as the Copperheads, proposed a truce with the South, and advocated calling a constitutional convention to amend the U.S. Constitution to protect States' rights.

Neither Lincoln nor Jefferson took the idea seriously, and the movement foundered. But the Copperheads began to publicly criticize Lincoln's belief that violating the U.S. Constitution was required to save the union.

With Congress not yet in session, Lincoln took an unprecedented step that today would defy belief. He assumed all powers not delegated in the Constitution, and suspended habeas corpus throughout the nation.

And then, in an egregious violation of free speech that popular history overlooks, Lincoln moved swiftly to silence his opposition. He ordered 13,000 Copperheads and other protesters placed under military arrest, believing that Northern civil courts would not convict the influential war protesters. Among those arrested was John Merryman, a Maryland Secessionist.

Justice Roger B. Taney, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, immediately issued a writ of habeas corpus, commanding the military to bring Merryman before him. The union army ignored the writ. Taney, in Ex parte MERRYMAN, then ruled that Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus was unconstitutional, saying the writ could not be suspended without an Act of Congress.

Lincoln, along with the military, ignored the ruling as well. It would be 1866, after the war was over and Lincoln had been assassinated, before the Supreme Court restored habeas corpus in Ex-parte Milligan, ruling that military trials in areas where the civil courts were capable of functioning were illegal.

Lincoln ran afoul of free speech again in 1864, this time trampling the freedom of the press as well. Tibor Machan of the Cato Institute, addressing Lincoln's propensity to bend civil rights out of the way when it suited him, recently noted
"...Lincoln has a blemished record of following the ideal of free government in his political life, as when he issued on May 18, 1864, the following order: "You will take possession by military force of the printing establishments of the New York World and Journal of Commerce ... and prohibit any further publication thereof.... You are therefore commanded forthwith to arrest and imprison ... the editors, proprietors and publishers of the aforementioned newspapers."

Armed with these facts, and with a fresh appreciation of the concessionary and supple approach that Lincoln took towards matters of principle throughout his career, we can now proceed to rip him from the library, and place him in modern day Washington, DC.

Since we know our 16th President wasn't allergic to taxing and spending, and that he favored federal involvement in state infrastructure projects, we can assume that he would solidly back the Obama administration's current plans to create jobs by pouring taxpayer dollars into infrastructure projects.

But, since most of public works that Lincoln supported ultimately befitted deep-pocket businessmen, we would guess that he would look more favorably on projects that would enhance business and trade, rather than social or cultural efforts. With that, we would have to say that ACORN would not see a penny from the Lincoln Administration.

And owing to his penchant for backing business interest and dependence on American goods, we can rest assured that Lincoln would take up the "Drill, baby, drill" chant.

We know also that he would share President Obama's tilt in favor of protectionism, and would look favorably on efforts to renew the 'Buy American' restrictions. We can even suppose that he would go several steps farther, recommending import tariffs and urging a withdrawal from the North American Free Trade Agreement on the day he took office.

Lincoln would tackle the illegal immigration problem swiftly, reaching back to the colonization concept for his answer. We can imagine a solid line of buses heading south, while an approving Lincoln marveled at how modern technology solves so many logistical problems.

In light of the fact that Lincoln was a devout man, given to frequent prayer, we can guess that gay marriage proponents would find him less than helpful. But he might assume the same stance he did toward slavery, and be willing to tolerate the institution as long as it didn't spread north of the closet.

Lastly, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity would probably be crushed to find Lincoln in Obama's corner when it came to reestablishing the Fairness Doctrine. Lincoln didn't tolerate a vocal opposition well, and what better way to silence protest than to force media outlets to adopt business practices that guarantee their extinction?

To sum things up, Lincoln bore very little resemblance to the Reagan model of Republicans, and would probably find most of the plans of the Obama administration much to his liking.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Washington's Kitchen Table Is Broken

Campaign rhetoric about kitchen table solutions largely forgotten in the rush to impoverishment

Just a few months ago, politicians of all stripes, running on the national level, were reminding voters what it was like to face tough problems, and calling to mind those tough decisions we the people frequently face at the proverbial kitchen table.

We were assured by each and every one of those earnest would-be public servants that if elected, they would be the ones we could count on to make common sense choices that we ourselves would make.

With those assurances in mind, let's look at the decisions many working folk now face, and compare them to the choices being made in our Capitol.

Let's suppose that we run a small business that has fallen on hard times. Profits are down, bills are piling up and the short term market for our services doesn't look all that bright.

The solution for most of us might be to take a hard look at our business, and discontinue services that weren't profitable. To attract new business, we might reduce the profit margin on services that were making money. We could sell off some assets, cut cost everywhere possible, and even, as a last resort, reduce payroll by cutting hours or jobs.

Hard choices, yes, and painful for small business owners who think of employees as friends and family. But those are the choices that reality gives us, and those are the ones we make.

But in Washington, they see a different set of options.

Their answer to mounting debt and blatant evidence of program failures is to borrow money and increase funding to those programs. Further, since the credit is so easy to find, they're going to introduce a few new programs modeled after the ones that don't work.

The spending bill that is being rushed through Congress right now, is tantamount to an ailing small business borrowing money to replace the office carpet and pave the driveway. It just doesn't make sense.

What's worse, if that business manages to keep the doors open, the debt will come back to haunt it, crippling it's competitiveness in the near future.

What is needed now is some real kitchen table logic. What would work are tax cuts and construction incentives to get productive money flowing from the private sector toward projects that promise a profit.

The free market is not evil. Left to it's own devices, without government interference, it is inherently successful. Laws and proper regulation are needed to prevent abuses by those who won't play fair, but programs that attempt to warp capitalism into some sort of social program cause upsets in the basic motive, and retard the entire system.

Rather than building a larger safety net that insures more people will fall into it, let's build pipelines and refineries that would reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Instead of shelving exploration and drilling programs, let's move regulatory roadblocks out of the way, and let those programs flourish.

Infrastructure? Yes, we should modernize that. But let's not call museums and dog parks 'infrastructure'. Instead, give that tag to power lines, communication pathways and high speed railways aimed at moving freight. All generate long term jobs, and all attract private investors looking for future profits.

If Washington insists on spending money we don't have, it should be spent on strengthening control of our southern border, thereby reducing illegal immigration that costs us billions in lost taxes and provided services each year. Instead of hiring more government bureaucrats, hire agents and technologies that make enforcing our immigration laws feasible.

Education, too, could be changed to attract private investment. Vocational training at the high school level would give graduates who don't attend college the chance to move into good paying jobs, and provide industry with a much needed infusion of young, skilled workers.

In short, let's do in Washington what we would do at home. Make sense.


Monday, February 9, 2009

What To Do About Dating Violence

Dating violence isn't something you have to live with

By: Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott

Dating violence is far too common among teenagers across the nation. According to a recent survey, one in five teens who have been in a serious relationship say they have been hit, slapped or pushed by their partner. Even more disturbing: 30 percent of all murders involving females ages 15 to 19 are committed by their romantic interest.

This month, the Office of Attorney General (OAG) is joining with crime victim advocates across the country to observe the fourth annual National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week. The week-long observance is intended to educate teens about the differences between healthy and unhealthy relationships. It is also intended to help adults and teens recognize when a friend or loved one is being abused.

The National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline provides many tips for recognizing and responding to teen dating violence, as does its Web site, Abuse most likely exists if teens’ dating partners:
* Look at them or act in ways that scare them
* Seem jealous or possessive
* Criticize them
* Try to control where they go, what they wear or what they do
* Text or IM them excessively
* Threaten to kill or hurt themselves or their partners if they leave
* Try to stop them from seeing or talking to friends and family
* Hit, slap, push or kick them

Young Texans who find themselves in abusive relationships should first consider talking to a friend or an adult about the situation. Anyone who does not feel safe should avoid being alone with their boyfriend or girlfriend.

Teenagers who have witnessed or experienced potential dating violence are encouraged to call the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline at (866) 331-9474. The helpline offers real-time, one-on-one support 24 hours a day. Through the helpline, trained volunteers advise teenagers to recognize unhealthy behavior and explain how to leave abusive relationships in the safest way possible.

Parental involvement can be a powerful tool that prevents teen dating violence. By talking with their teenage children and staying aware of developments in their child’s life, parents can show that they care – and are approachable when problems arise. Setting boundaries and simultaneously entrusting kids to conduct themselves responsibly may feel like a balancing act, but it can really help protect teens from harmful relationships.

The OAG has long been involved in the fight against domestic violence. Recently, the OAG joined the Texas Council on Family Violence to launch the “LOVE” campaign, which was created to heighten public awareness about teen dating violence.

The OAG Web site,, contains information about victims’ rights, protective orders, and the OAG’s Address Confidentiality Program, which provides a post office box and mail forwarding at no charge to victims who want to prevent an abuser from knowing where to find them. Abuse victims seeking information about the OAG’s Crime Victims’ Compensation Program, which reimburses out-of-pocket expenses to victims of violent crime and their families, can also find it on the Web site.

All Texans have the right to live violence-free lives, but some may need help getting out of violent relationships. The OAG is committed to working with victim groups and others to ensure that Texas teenagers have access to the resources they need to end a dangerous or harmful relationship.

Attorney General Greg Abbott was reelected as the 50th Attorney General of Texas on November 7, 2006. Prior to his election as attorney general, Greg Abbott served as a Justice on the Texas Supreme Court and as a State District Judge in Harris County.


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Texas Uncorked

A toast to Texas wineries

By: Senator John Cornyn

You’ve heard it described as medium heavy, sweet and low in sulfates. Its presence pre-dates the arrival of the first Anglo-American settlers to Texas. And today, its industry pumps millions in revenue into the Texas economy each year.

While crude oil may first come to mind, this liquid is Texas wine. More than three centuries ago—long before the first wine grapes arrived in Napa Valley— Franciscan priests brought grapevines from Mexico and planted the first North American vineyard at Ysleta, perhaps the oldest town in Texas, along the Rio Grande near present-day El Paso. These grapes provided the priests and missionaries with sacramental wine for the Eucharist.

Over the next 200 years, the El Paso Valley would be recognized by travelers for its grape-growing capabilities and wine production. The concept of viticulture did not really gain traction in the rest of the state until settlers from European countries like Spain, Italy, and Czechoslovakia brought their interest in wine and the European vinefera vines to Texas. These European vines did not take well to the Texas climate, local pests, and fungus, however, and many of these initial efforts did not survive.

After these setbacks, German immigrants who settled in the 1840s in South and Central Texas—founding Hill Country cities such as Fredericksburg and New Braunfels—learned to adapt their process and incorporate local Mustang grapes, a high-climbing vine native to Texas and well adapted to heat. By adding more sugar during fermentation, they produced commercial wine and are largely recognized as the most successful wine-makers in Texas history.

Meanwhile, back along the Texas-Mexico border, an Italian immigrant, Frank Qualia, found success with the Lenoir grape, a Spanish black grape, in Del Rio, Texas. He started the Val Verde Winery, and today, as the only Texas winery to survive the Prohibition, it remains the oldest continuously running winery in Texas and still uses the Lenoir grape.

One of Texas’ most famous grape breeders was horticulturist Thomas Volney Munson, more simply known as T.V. Munson. A native of Illinois, Munson moved to Denison, Texas in 1876. While he devoted much of his life to the study of native American grapes, his work on rootstock development would earn him international acclaim. In Denison, Munson researched and developed rootstock that was resistant to phylloxera—tiny, yellow insects that feed on roots of grapevines and had severely damaged many native American grapevines. In the late 19th century, a phylloxera epidemic devastated the French wine industry—destroying almost two-thirds of France’s vineyards. Little did they know the solution to their problem would come from an American horticulturist in Denison, Texas. Munson’s phylloxera-resistant rootstock saved the industry in France and in gratitude to his contribution, the French government named him Chevalier du Merite Agricole of the French Legion of Honor, and the city of Cognac, France became a sister city to Denison. Today, Grayson County College’s West Campus houses much of Munson’s research and work.

After the Prohibition, the Texas wine industry was slow to get back on its feet. But as the grape culture began to boom in the U.S. in the 1970s, so did the number of vineyards that began popping up across Texas—beginning with the establishment of the Llano Estacado and Pheasant Ridge wineries near Lubbock. Today, Texas is home to nearly 3,700 acres of family-owned vineyard land, including eight American Viticulture Areas—wine grape-growing regions that have been identified by the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau. Texas is America’s fifth-leading grape and wine producer and the industry contributes more than $1.35 billion to the state’s economy.

In its February issue, Bon Appetit magazine lists Becker Vineyards in Stonewall, Texas as one of seven of its favorite wineries off the beaten path. As our state’s wineries and vintners continue to gain national and international attention, fortunately, we don’t have to travel far to enjoy the unique Texas wine culture. Wine trails through vineyards across the state occur throughout the year. In late February, the Texas Wine and Grape Growers Association holds its Annual Conference & Trade Show which brings together members of the industry from every region of Texas.

The Texas wine industry is yet another hallmark in Texas’s long history of ingenuity and achievement. Let’s toast to the men and women who have built up this industry and wish them many more years of success.

Sen. Cornyn serves on the Finance, Judiciary and Budget Committees. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee's Immigration, Border Security and Refugees subcommittee. He served previously as Texas Attorney General, Texas Supreme Court Justice, and Bexar County District Judge.


Monday, February 2, 2009

Working Together We Will Build A Stronger Texas

Governor says to overcome economic woes, we need to focus on education, business and infrastructure

By: Texas Governor Greg Perry
Jan. 30, 2009

On Tuesday, I delivered my State of the State address to the 81st Legislature outlining priorities that will preserve our state’s strength and security while helping Texans weather the effects of the global economic downturn.

This session, your elected state leaders have an opportunity to build on the strong foundation we created together over the years by maintaining our focus on the people we serve and continuing our careful stewardship of the tax dollars they send us.

We will overcome big challenges like balancing the state’s budget, enhancing our state’s competitive position in the global marketplace and improving Texans’ quality of life by prioritizing the needs of our citizens over those of our parties, caucuses and special interests.

In the midst of the global economic troubles, the most important thing we can do is continue to nurture an economic environment that creates and sustains jobs for Texans. Fortunately, we have a big head start on the rest of the nation, as evidenced by our lead in exports, Fortune 500 companies and job creation.

To improve our state’s job growth, we need to improve the quality of our education at every level. As Texas leaders, we should maintain our emphasis on graduating high school students proficient in math, science and English so they are ready to enter the workforce or continue their studies. Increasing our investment in community colleges and in worker re-training programs will also fortify an essential part of our state’s workforce development efforts.

Furthermore, we need to ensure government is not unduly adding to the pressure that Texas employers are feeling these days. I am in favor of updating the reformed business tax by raising the small business exemption to $1 million. I also believe our government can do more to fine-tune regulations that sometimes choke off innovation.

In addition to reducing burdens, we should continue to invest in proven economic development efforts by replenishing the Texas Enterprise Fund, Emerging Technology Fund and our Film Incentive Program so they can continue drawing ideas, investment and jobs to Texas.

Continued investment in critical infrastructure is also essential. Efforts to repair and expand our transportation network will benefit from the decision to only spend tax dollars for the purposes they are collected. We should return to funding the Department of Public Safety from general revenue and restore gas tax dollars to their original purpose – maintaining and improving our roads.

We must also sustain our focus on protecting our citizens. Texas is still vulnerable to natural disasters, from fires and floods to hurricanes and tornadoes. Our experience in the aftermath of hurricanes Dolly and Ike reminds us that the federal government is ill equipped to respond to our communities’ needs at the necessary speed. That is why we must fund a Texas disaster contingency and relief account that will provide speedy funding for state and local emergency efforts and let the state carry the burden of waiting for federal reimbursement.

Our citizens’ safety is also threatened by cross-border crime and the increasing presence of transnational gangs in communities across the state. We must continue to fund our border security efforts and allocate additional resources to tackle the growing gang problem head-on.

Texas has come a long way since the $10 billion budget shortfall of six years ago. We overcame that challenge by making tough decisions, tightening our belts, and cutting spending where we could. All along, we stayed focused on key priorities and never forgot that the tax dollars we spend don’t pour from some mythical money pot, but the pockets of our hard-working taxpayers.

I am confident that we can maintain our state’s strength if we continue to follow the fiscal discipline we learned by necessity and have followed closely ever since.

Together, Texas leaders have fostered a climate that has attracted new families, businesses and jobs to Texas, making our great state a better place. Together, we will weather this storm and create confidence in a better tomorrow and a stronger Texas.

Sworn in as the state's 47th governor on December 21, 2000, Rick Perry was elected to a four-year term November 5, 2002 and re-elected November 7, 2006.


Saturday, January 31, 2009

History Shows Big Spending Can Prolong Recession

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison on the new "New Deal"

Capitol Comment
Jan. 30, 2009
by: Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison

In one of history’s more candid reflections, Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Treasury Secretary under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, confessed, “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work.” Just six years after crafting the New Deal, Morgenthau declared that their efforts to create jobs and restore America’s depression-ravaged economy by expanding the federal government to unprecedented levels had been a failure. By Morgenthau’s own assessment, the New Deal saddled our country with “as much unemployment as when we started…and an enormous debt.”

More than 75 years have passed since FDR signed the New Deal into law, and many noted economists are studying the Great Depression and trying to learn from the experience. In 2004, a team of UCLA economists concluded that the policies of the New Deal, which suppressed competition and kept unemployment in the range of nine to 16 percent, actually prolonged the Great Depression by seven years.

Amity Shlaes, an economic scholar and Great Depression historian, has argued that the sheer “arbitrariness” of the New Deal actually exacerbated the crisis. The National Recovery Administration, the operative arm of the New Deal’s competition code, failed to establish clear, actionable policies for businesses to follow. Instead, some corporations got sweetheart deals, while others were unduly penalized. As a result, businesses stopped investing in equipment, hiring came to a halt, and the markets froze. Many economists conclude that the New Deal fostered uncertainty, which was salt in the wound of the American economy.

As in 1933, today our nation is confronted with an economic crisis that grows worse each day. The burst of the housing bubble and the subsequent credit crisis has badly impaired our financial markets. Many individuals and small businesses are struggling to get loans, and the home foreclosure rate is rising. Large corporations, once deemed “too big to fail,” are now teetering on the edge of insolvency. In December, the nationwide unemployment rate reached a 15-year high of 7.2 percent.

Some in Congress are rallying around a “solution” that sounds alarmingly familiar: spend more than we have ever spent before. Literally. And the nearly $900 billion stimulus measure that the House passed and the Senate will consider has many deficiencies.

First, the federal government doesn’t have the money. Today, Washington is running an all-time record annual deficit of $455 billion, and that deficit is projected to reach an astounding $1.2 trillion this year. In addition, the gross federal debt is $10 trillion, or almost $33,000 per U.S. citizen. We are approaching a tipping point whereby creditors will be unwilling to buy government debt.

Second, even if we could afford it, this bill isn’t actually stimulative. With any stimulus package, our goal should be to swiftly pump money into the economy, create jobs, and free up credit. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), which analyzes the financial dimensions of legislation, estimates that only 64 percent of the funding in the Senate bill would actually be spent within the next two years. Market trends indicate that even without government interference the economy should begin rebounding on its own within the next two years; at which point, “stimulus” spending would only add to our debt burden rather than help the economy.

Ultimately, this “solution” will result only in the accumulation of greater debt that will fall on the shoulders of our children and grandchildren, while not providing the stimulus we need today. Moreover, it will leave us vulnerable to future economic challenges. A better proposal would emphasize tax relief so that individuals and businesses can have more capital to inject into the economy, thereby encouraging private sector job creation. It would also guard against massive government expansion. In short, we should promote permanent private sector jobs, not a permanent increase in spending and debt.

I am eager to work in a bipartisan fashion toward a speedy and sustainable recovery. But we have to ensure that any stimulus package is balanced, reasonable in size, and targeted specifically to job creation, keeping people in their homes, and overall economic growth. The plan before us lacks these objectives. What we have learned from those before us is that excessive spending may prolong a recession. Moving forward, we must carefully consider the spending decisions before us.

Kay Bailey Hutchison is the senior U.S. Senator from Texas and is the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Keeping Americans Connected in the Digital Age

Texas' Senior U.S. Senator shares her thoughts and priorities on the broadband opportunities offered by the digital television conversion.

Capitol Comment Jan. 23, 2008
By:Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison

Recently, I outlined my goals for keeping Texas and the United States connected through our national highway system and commercial and passenger air transportation. As the Senior Republican on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation, I am also focused on another kind of connectivity: telecommunications. Over the past several decades, America has seen a rapid advancement in communication technologies. While most citizens enjoy its benefits, we have not kept pace with other nations and the advantages of connectivity have not reached all our citizens. We must find ways to leverage new innovations to expand their reach and improve the lives of all Americans.

Perhaps the most pressing priority facing us this year is the Digital Television (DTV) Transition, during which broadcasters nationwide will switch from an analog format to digital broadcasting. Congress mandated the transition to digital broadcasting in 2006 to free up broadcast spectrum for important public safety activities that will increase the nation’s ability to respond to terrorist attacks and national disasters.

For more than a year, the federal government and the broadcasting industry have worked to inform the public about the transition and to help consumers prepare. The transition date had previously been scheduled for February 17. However, in January, a senior official in the Obama administration called for postponement of the transition, citing dwindling funds for the federal Coupon Program, which helps consumers buy converter boxes at a discounted rate.

Initially, I had serious concerns about shifting the digital television transition without a sound plan to inform consumers and resolve the converter box coupon shortage. But Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller has worked with me to address many of my reservations with the initial proposals to move the date. Once legislation is enacted to reschedule the transition, the changes I worked to secure will help consumers whose coupons have expired to apply for new coupons. Other modifications to early delay proposals will allow prepared TV stations to move forward without the added costs of operating multiple broadcast facilities. Moreover, I have received assurances that there will be no further postponement, and that we will bring the transition to a conclusion this year. Significant challenges remain, however, and I will continue working with my colleagues in Congress to ensure a smooth changeover to digital television for all Americans.

Another telecommunications issue that begs the Senate’s thoughtful consideration is access to the high-speed communication service known as broadband. Most in Congress agree that the widespread availability of high-speed Internet will create jobs. Moreover, in heavily rural states, like Texas, broadband deployment will expand educational opportunities through distance learning and improve the delivery of medical services and information through telehealth programs.

Where lawmakers tend to disagree, however, is on how to deploy broadband. Some in Congress would like high-speed Internet access in the U.S. to match that of urban centers like Hong Kong and are ready to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to that end. There are two problems with that approach. First, the U.S. is geographically and demographically diverse – what makes sense for New York City might not work in the Texas Panhandle. Second, it isn’t cost-efficient. Even if the federal government builds a nationwide fiber-optic network, there is no guarantee that all consumers would subscribe to it. Instead, I am hopeful we will adopt incentives for investment by individuals and companies through changes in tax treatment, enhanced bonding authorities for broadband construction and targeted grant programs. This will allow the marketplace to determine what technology is appropriate for a community and how best to deploy it. In the meantime, broadband mapping efforts, which collect data on internet use, will help us better target our efforts.

Finally, just as Congress must support efforts to upgrade and expand telecommunications technology where we need it, we must limit it where it can do harm. In January, Rep. Kevin Brady and I introduced a bill to prevent prison inmates from using smuggled cellular phones, which are often used to orchestrate criminal enterprises and harass or threaten public officials from behind bars. In Texas, death row inmate Richard Tabler used a smuggled cell phone to intimidate a state senator. Current law prevents any kind of interference with wireless services. Our legislation provides a reasonable process for approval and use of jamming technology without compromising public access to 911 and emergency services or infringing on legitimate users’ rights.

This year in the Senate Commerce Committee, I will work to advance sound, practicable policies that will keep Americans connected and allow our nation to keep up in the fast-moving digital age.

Kay Bailey Hutchison is the senior Senator from Texas and is the Ranking Member on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.


How Government Interference Hurts Consumers

Bill Peacock argues against government over-control.

By:Bill Peacock

A column in Monday’s Wall Street Journal on the bailout crisis said, “It's now clear that the data that banks used were distorted by years of government initiatives to promote homeownership.”

For those of us who believe in the superiority of free markets over government regulation, it was quite clear before the fact that government intervention would distort the markets. And that’s the problem today. Government intervention to force the “process of discovering the full losses” will only further distort the markets and make a bigger mess. Just like government intervention caused this mess in the first place.

Another example: In Texas a few years back, the government tried to help consumers by forcing insurance companies to use a common form for offering homeowners’ insurance. The common form was designed to be easy to understand, force companies to offer certain coverages, etc. All good and fine until a court decided that the form didn’t really mean what its clear language said. So companies had to offer mold coverage. Suddenly, Texas had a mold crisis, with everyone discovering life-threatening mold in their homes. Claims rose so fast that premiums skyrocketed.

A few years later, companies were finally allowed to use their own forms, and the mold crisis was over. But not before Texas consumers had been socked for a $900 million increase in homeowners’ insurance premiums to pay for mold remediation efforts that dried up once mold was no longer covered by insurance policies. Seems as if mold wasn’t a health problem after all, but folks just got all stirred up by the news coverage and easy access to insurance dollars. The whole exercise simply transferred wealth from one set of consumers to pay for the remodeling of their homes.

Government intervention just doesn’t work, no matter how well intentioned or intelligent the interveners are. Unfortunately, too many folks won’t acknowledge this until after the mess has been made and consumers have to pay the cleanup costs – no matter how many messes the government makes.

- Bill Peacock

Mr. peacock writes regularly for the Texas Public Policy Foundation

Reprinted by permission

The original Article can be found at


Monday, January 26, 2009

Media Bias Evident Over Inauguration Costs

Making the rounds on the blogosphere is an arguement over differences in the tone of coverage on Bush / Obama inauguration costs.

OK, I'll admit it. I am one of those conspiracy theorists who sees a blatant bias in the press coverage of conservative and liberal politicians by the main-stream media.

And while the tilt I see in the coverage of congressmen, senators and governors is bad enough, at the presidential level, it's almost criminal.

Having been, of late, more concerned with local headlines than national, I must admit I let the cheerful coverage of President Obama's inauguration cost get by me. Never to fear, though. Some of my hawk-eyed fellow Opinionistas not only spotted the disparity, but they are raising a stink about it.

Clay Waters, a columnist over at NewsBusters, sums up the situation best:

"At a time when the United States is fighting two wars and faces a severe recession and huge budget deficits, the inauguration of Barack Obama as the nation's 44th president is estimated to cost $45 million. Bush's 2004 inauguration cost roughly $40 million. But though the figures are similar, there's been a major shift in the tone of coverage at the New York Times.

While the Times spent much of January 2005 making clear its disapproval of Bush extravagantly celebrating his inauguration during wartime, that concerned tone is conspicuously absent from the Times in January 2009, although the country is not only still at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, but also in danger of a deep recession. The difference? Perhaps because this time, it's the Times's favored candidate who is readying to assume the highest office."

Read the complete piece here.

The internet row quickly devolved into a juvenile game of who spent more, with less credible sources on both sides working cost figures to their own advantage. The commonly circulated figures at right-wing sites are Bush $42 million, Obama $120 million. ran the numbers, and under the title of "Urban Legends", they concluded that the real tallies, once the higher attendance figures for Obama are factored in, are probably fairly close to even, saying:

"The $42 million cited for Bush, while roughly accurate, doesn't include the cost of security and other incidentals covered by federal and state governments. The $120 million cited for Obama (which is actually a bit on the low side) does include those costs. It's a false comparison.

Traditionally, everything except security, clean-up, and the swearing-in ceremony itself is paid for via private donations. By most estimates, the Bush inaugural committee raised and spent about $42.3 million. At last report, the Obama inaugural committee had raised and spent almost exactly the same amount ("more than $41 million," according to the Associated Press)."

I won't go into the math, because I'm willing to stipulate that Bush and Obama spent roughly the same amount of money.

What I will get into is the difference in tone. For example, a few headlines from the time period surrounding Bush's 2005 inauguration:

"Republicans spending $42 million on inauguration while troops Die in unarmored Humvees"

"Bush extravagance exceeds any reason during tough economic times"

"Fat cats get their $42 million inauguration party, Ordinary Americans get the shaft"

Now remember, the same wars are still going on, topped with an economic meltdown of global proportions. With that in mind, now take a look at some headlines from the last few days:

"Historic Obama Inauguration will cost only $120 million"

"Obama Spends $120 million on inauguration; America Needs A Big Party"

"Everyman Obama shows America how to celebrate"

"Citibank executives contribute $8 million to Obama Inauguration"

Citibank? Can you imagine the outcry that would have gone up had Bush taken donations from a fat-cat bank in this anti-Wall Street climate? I can.

And what Everyman gets to spend $120 million on a kegger?

C'mon, reporters. Play fair. For once.


Friday, January 23, 2009

Celebrating Country Doctors

Serving rural Texans with distinction.

By:Sen. John Cornyn

Over the past several decades, Texas’ reputation for quality medical facilities has been growing. Nationally acclaimed hospitals and care centers like the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, the Baylor University Medical Center, and the Texas Children’s Hospital – to name just a few – have delivered Texas into the forefront of medical research and care.

While these facilities provide excellent care to millions of patients each year, there is another kind of doctor that has for generations been an icon of Texas medicine: the country doctor. Throughout our great state country doctors serve some of Texas’ most hard to reach citizens – often traveling hundreds of miles to make house calls.

These doctors treat underserved communities with far sprawling populations long distances from larger clinics and hospitals. But despite these difficult conditions, Texas’ country doctors continue to provide their invaluable services, developing lasting relationships with each of their patients – often having been the doctor at their birth. While these country doctors seem almost antiquated in contrast to the enormous medical centers across the state, their service remains an integral part of our commitment to give every Texan access to quality health care.

Last December, one of Texas’ many dedicated country doctors even earned national distinction, being named “Staff Care’s Country Doctor of the Year.” For more than half a century, Dr. David Watson has been the primary doctor for the residents of Yoakum, Texas.

A graduate of Baylor College of Medicine, Dr. Watson says he never wanted to be anything more than a family doctor. Over his years of service to Yoakum, he’s become much more. He’s served as physician, surgeon and obstetrician. On Friday nights, he walks the sidelines of the high school football games to treat any injured players and in his spare time volunteers with abused children at the Bluebonnet Youth Ranch.

Dr. Watson’s recognition as Country Doctor of the Year comes as little surprise to the families that have for so long depended on him. And while much has changed in medicine since he first opened doors offering $5 house calls, Dr. Watson’s dedication to the community has not. His service to the people of Yoakum has made him a staple of the community and an example to doctors throughout our state and across the country.

As Texas continues to grow and foster an even greater medical community, we should take the time to recognize the men and women who have pioneered Texas medicine and brought care to families living even in the remotest of Texas towns. Doctors like David Watson remind us of an older time in Texas, before the advent of large hospitals and medical research centers. But today’s country doctors remain a primary source of care for rural Texans.

I congratulate Dr. Watson on this much-deserved recognition, and I thank the many doctors like him who attend to rural communities throughout Texas. As we work to improve Texas’ medical community, we must remember our country doctors and the important work they do.

Sen. Cornyn serves on the Finance, Judiciary and Budget Committees. He serves as the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee’s Immigration, Refugees and Border Security subcommittee. He served previously as Texas Attorney General, Texas Supreme Court Justice, and Bexar County District Judge.


GALA Board Members Sound Off

In a letter to the Editor, Glenwood Acres Landowners Association Board Secretary Billy Sipes and At-Large Member A.C. Floyd express their shared views on the ongoing tension between the board and unhappy landowners.

By:Billy Sipes and A.C. Floyd

The time has now come for we two Glenwood Acres Landowners Association board members to make a statement. It appears that Mr. Tim Cariker is trying to make his statements as if they were the ideas, thoughts and views of all board members. We would like to set that record straight.

We believe that the board is, and should be held accountable for its actions. In the past, as well as now, it seems that things have gotten out of control insofar as what the true, legal and just actions and duties of this board consist of. We are the caretakers for the monies for the Association, and as such, we should be ever mindful that wasteful, careless and unnecessary spending should stop. We owe it to the people to spend their money wisely and for good reason. We further believe that the people have a right to see with their own eyes what is being done with the monies. What has happened recently is that monies have been spent without board approval and other directives have been carried forth, also without the complete board membership being involved in the decisions.

We should never lose sight of our duties nor our goals. When any money is spent, it should be carefully considered and weighed before such action is taken. The people who pay their dues have a right to know where and for what their dues money is spent. A full accounting should be made to the people. The idea of ruling any board with the concurrence of a select few is not acceptable in any way. We are entrusted with the duties of making certain that whatever we do is for the betterment of Glenwood Acres and at the same time it is not infringing on the rights of others.

If one will look back in history, they will find that any attempt at controlling a group of people with tyranny and total disregard for their constitutional and civil rights will only serve to cause a justifiable uprising of the people. This is what is now occurring here at Glenwood Acres. The voices of the people are crying out for equality, justice and a desire to be heard. But these same voices are being silenced by a few board members who feel that the people have no say-so and should just let the few continue with their actions.

The situation of allowing a paid employee to dictate who can and who cannot remain on Glenwood Acres property is not acceptable either. This paid employee could use a course in attitude, as well as a course on how to treat others who enter the office of this association. If you owned a business, it would be beneficial and profitable, not to mention imperative, that you greet your customers with a warm and friendly dialogue upon their entering your establishment and not make them feel as though you are doing them a favor to see to their needs.

The validation of the petition to impeach board president Jason Lundy was a farce. There were names who were stricken because their dues were not paid by January 12, 2009. We find it not only improper, but very strange that this was done. It appeared to us that the paid employee was seeking to discredit and invalidate as many signatures as she possibly could in order that the petition would fall short of the needed number. We also find it appalling that a target number was never provided in order that the person who was directing the impeachment drive would have no idea what the actual number of valid signatures he would need to bring the matter to full vote actually was. The request was made several times for the total number of members in good standing, but that number was never provided.

We hold steadfast in our beliefs that the board does need some changes and that those who are not willing to serve the citizenry with faithfulness, honesty and with compassion should resign their respective positions and then they could be replaced by others who are willing to be a voice for the people without regard to their financial, political or personal beliefs. It is also our belief that a mockery should be made of no one because of their disabilities or impairments.

This association is supposed to be for the people and by the people and certainly not the wishes of any one board member or select group of board members. Sadly, what is now happening is that if you are not in favor of the old business-as-usual group, without any accountability, then you are considered as "against the board". That is not the way it is, at all, because we both know that it can be done with the interest of the people at the heart of all matters and that the old business-as-usual tactics are not in the best interest of the people nor the association.

We are both willing to be representatives of the people and will insure that the rights of the people, as well as the voices of these same people be heard and not silenced. At present, that is hard to do because of a certain few who do not wish to do the will of the people.

The time has now come for those who wish to serve honestly to step forth and be recognized and those who do not wish to do the same should vacate their respective seats in order that someone who will work for the benefit of the members and the association can then be placed in that capacity.

We would like to thank Mr. DeWayne Spell of the Upshur Advocate for his honest and unbiased coverage of the matters at hand concerning Glenwood Acres.

Thank you to all who have taken the time to read this open letter and if we can be of assistance we are available to give you our undivided attention.


Billy G. Sipes
A.C. Floyd

Editors note: The Upshur Advocate will gladly publish opposing viewpoints on this issue, or any other. Letters may be submitted by fax or email. See our Contacts page for submission information.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Brink, The Brim, The Cusp

Inaugural poetess Elizabeth Alexander's words left me wondering the same question I had on Nov. 3rd: The cusp of what?

Far be it from the humble editor of a fledgling new-media product to critique poetry, since my meager attempts at rhyming usually involve slang or other unseemly language. But, if the purpose of the Inaugural Poem is to inspire, then Ms. Alexander can claim a success in my listening.

What she inspired, though, was a re-awakening of the same questions I had about Barak Obama throughout his two year campaign. What does he believe, and what will he do?

The mantra of 'Change", so often invoked by our new President, was just vague enough to be captivating without requiring any substance.

As a political tool, it worked perfectly to allow every Obama listener to project what he or she wanted to hear on a blank screen. The only problem with it's use is that it is bound to lead to a reality induced hangover sooner or later. And it won't just be an American morning after.

People the world over are hanging hope and aspirations of all sizes on our new President, who is now saddled with the reality of managing expectations on a global scale.

Sarah Palin made of joke of Obama's healing the planet and turning back the waters during the campaign. Sadly, there are some who expect just those kinds of miracles from him.

Take the economy, for instance, since it is the largest elephant in the room right now. A recent poll found that almost 70% of respondents expect Obama to mend our ailing markets. One has to wonder what they are basing those hopes on?

Surely not more bail-outs and spending packages. Evidence of how well that is working came just today, when the Dow plunged over three hundred points as Obama took the oath of office.

If he keeps his pledges of transparency and straight talk, President Obama will sooner or later have to tell a country and a world that the solution is to suck it up, suffer the pain, abandon the failing constructs of governmental charity, and to deal with the difficulties of allowing a truly free market to adjust freely.

If he does that, then we are on the cusp of a real opportunity to right some bad policy decisions forty years in the making. And he will be on the brink of a popularity plunge that will make Bush 43 look like a shining star.

If, on the other hand, he chooses to 'spend his way out', as the cliche goes, he stands a chance of maintaining his current global popularity while pushing this country over the brim, and into a pit of debt so deep we might never climb out.

Consider that to spend what you don't have, you have to borrow. That's plain kitchen table Economics 101. With that concept, so illusive to the DC crowd, firmly in mind, ask yourself who the banker might be.

China? Saudi Arabia?

No matter where you find your credit, the banker doesn't have our best interest at heart. And if our children can't make the note, who suffers when the repo notice arrives?

And that's one home ownership we simply can not afford to default on.


Monday, January 19, 2009

Revenue Estimate: Texas Has Seen Worse

Writing for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, James Quintero says Texas has the right formula to weather our economic woes.

By: James Quintero

One week ago, Texas Comptroller Susan Combs released her Biennial Revenue Estimate (BRE) – a projection of how much legislators can spend in the next budget – which predicted flat state revenues and a worsening economic outlook.

Just how tough do things look? Well, according to the Comptroller’s BRE, lawmakers will only have $77.1 billion in General Revenue (GR) to spend this session whereas last session’s lawmakers had $86.2 billion in GR – a $9 billion difference.

The state’s economy is also predicted to lose as many as 111,000 jobs during the first three quarters of next year and the growth in personal income is expected to slow to an average 3.7 percent during 2010 and 2011, according to the Comptroller’s estimate.

Yet, even in spite of all the bad economic news, Texas still fares remarkably well when compared to other states.

Texas is among the rare states not reporting a budget shortfall this biennium. Combs’ revenue estimate also projects a $9.1 billion balance in the “rainy day” fund by 2011, and the return of job creation by the fourth quarter of 2009.

Times may be tough, but the state has seen much worse and come out on top – just ask the legislators of the 2003 session. Using Texas’ tried-and-true policies of low taxes and limited government, the state has little to fear.

TPPF article


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